Saturday, March 20, 2010

Next project in process....

A friend gave me this frame that is just brown plastic, so I thought I'd paint it to match my room and bathroom.

Here it is before ( with a picture of Doug, Skeeter and PorkChop, part of an inside joke at work)

I taped up 2 of the windows and the glass on the other 2

I painted the 2 non-taped windows the tan of my bedroom walls

After that dries and gets another coat, I'm going to do the other 2 windows the blue color of  my bathroom. Now I just have to decide what 4 pictures I want to put in it :)

About time....

between weather and traveling, I haven't made much progress lately, but today it was finally warm and sunny enough to finish painting the bed. It's still drying, so no pictures of it put together and in the bedroom yet, but here it is sitting outside drying.

I can't wait to get it in the guestroom and all set up :) I'll post more pictures then